Mikhail Zaitsev

As a highly skilled Python Django Software Engineer with extensive experience in DevOps and Amazon Web Services, I am dedicated to deliver innovative solutions by leveraging my expertise in software development.

With a proven track record of leading tech teams for several years, I am able to collaborate with stakeholders, analyze customer requirements, and design scalable and efficient solutions.

Tech Skills

  • Python : Asyncio, Requests, Websockets, Numpy, Redis, PyTest

  • Python / Django : Django Rest Framework, Celery / Rqueu, Caching

  • Postgres : Database modelling, performance monitoring

  • Redis : Caching, Timeseries, Stream processing, Pub / Sub, optimized data modeling…

  • Amazon Web Services : EC2, RDS, S3, Autoscaling, IAM, Security Groups, Boto APIs

  • Server : Nginx, Gunicorn, Supervisor, Systemctl, Cron

  • Terraform / Packer : Infrastructure as code, AMI generation

  • Docker : Image creation

  • CI / CD : Testing & Automation pipelines

  • Web : Javascript, Html, Css, Jinja templates

  • Git : interactive rebase, code reviews

Management Skills

  • Standup meeting Organization

  • Team retrospectives

  • Customer need analysis, solution conception, technical specification

  • Team work organization

  • Code reviews

  • Recruitment


Since graduation, I had the opportunity to work in several companies as a Python / Django developer

[2022 - 2023] Padam AV : Python developer

Padam AV (Autonomous Vehicles) is a spinup of Padam Mobility, its focuses on integrating Autonomous vehicles into a DRT system, where padam AV would be a virtual driver giving orders to autonomous vehicles ( e.g: go to this location and open doors ) and monitor its progress.

As the single developer, my role was to design the project from scratch, setup a scalable architecture, develop the MVP and recruit a small team of developers to pursue the development.

Technologies : Python, Django, Websockets, Pytest, AWS, Terraform, Asynchronous tasks, Real time data ingestion.

[2019 - 2022] Padam Mobility : Tech team lead

Padam Mobility provides a DRT ( Demand Responsive Transport ) software suite to transport operators.

As a Tech Team Lead, I was in charge of the “Operators” team composed of 8 developers. We focused on the development of the backoffice of the DRT software.

Projects :

  • Development of internal tools to ease the setup and reduce the marginal cost of new clients. ( Task automation, quality gates, process design )

  • Development of a DRT simulator to launch territory wide simulations on how the DRT system would work in

  • Full refactoring of the geography database of the project. The goal was to re-develop the code in order to stabilize it, make it predictable, enhance performances and add new features such as travel time customization.

  • Stabilization and re-design of the test suit and CI-CD pipeline.

  • Deployment and maintenance of the ELK suit ( ElasticSearch, Logstash, Kibana ) as a centralized logging platform, previously each client had its own logging system. We managed to significantly reduce maintenance time and running costs.

  • Migration from Python2 to Python3.

Technologies : Python, Django, Django Rest Framework, Pytest, PostGis, OSRM, AWS, Terraform, Drone CI, numpy, Asynchronous tasks, ETL

[2018 - 2019] Avicen : Entrepreneurial project

Avicen provide an edge IoT solution to manage professional vehicle fleets.

Projects :

  • Setup of an ETL pipeline ( Extract, Transform, Load ) based on Azure IoT

  • Timeseries stored in Postgresql TimescaleDB module

  • Development of APIs to consume database data.

  • API documentation with swagger

Technologies : Python, Azure IoT, *MQTT, TimescaleDB, Docker

[2016 - 2017] Outscale : Python developer

Outscale is a French cloud provider with an API compatible with Amazon Web services.

Projects :

  • Development of internal tools to supervise Virtual Machines maintenance lifecycle

  • Development of internal tools to perform integration testing of Outscale APIs and ensure its compatibility with AWS

Technologies : Python, Boto, AWS

[2015 - 2016] Buffactory : Entrepreneurial project

Buffactory allows musicians to collaborate simultaneously on a musical project with a git like workflow.

Projects :

  • Development of the frontend interface

  • Development of a client application compatible with Windows and MacOs

  • Synchronization of musical files ( samples ) between clients

Technologies : Python, Django, PyQT, AWS


  • [2016 - 2017] EM Lyon : Innovation management & Business

  • [2009 - 2014] Epitech : Software Engineering

  • [2012 - 2013] Beinjing Jiaotong : Software Engineering


  • Fluent in French

  • Fluent in Russian

  • Proficient in English
